Visit to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Fri 25 June, 2004
On the same day as my visit to NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research), I decided to then go to have a look at
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA - pronounced Noah) in Boulder. NOAA has programs to study and monitor the
weather (just like at NCAR). NOAA also have satellites in space for monitoring things like storms etc. And if you've seen
the movie called 'The Day After Tomorrow', and you remember a sign that said 'NOAA', then this is the same agency that the movie was
portraying. I had been inside the NOAA building in Boulder before, called the 'David Skaggs Building' but had never taken
any photos there. So I finally managed to take some pictures this time.

This marks the entrance to the David Skaggs building, which is where all the people at NOAA (in Boulder) work.

This is the the David Skaggs building. It's quite a large building.

After I went inside the building, I got lost and was walking up and down different corridors, and going up and down elevators and stairs. So I just took this
photo while trying to find my way around. I eventually found somebody and asked them for directions to the main hall.

I eventually found the hall that I was looking for, and took a photo of some vapour in this big dish.
It was an interesting display.

I looked up at the ceiling and saw this big thing that looked like a cardboard box. It was only later that I could
see that it was actually a model space satellite! This photo doesn't show the whole structure of the satellite.

This is a better view of the model satellite.

This photo was taken from one of the large balconies at NOAA. The view is of one of the parking lots at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

While on the same balcony at NOAA, there was a very nice view of the mountains. This view is looking to
the west. This part of the mountains is called The Flatirons (Flat Irons), which is part of the Rocky Mountains.

This is another photo of the same mountains.